Leaders Series #1 - Matt Thompson
A huge thank you to Matt Thompson for joining us in kicking off our leaders series - a series of short interviews and questions to find out a little bit more about careers, leaders and jobs and hopefully inspire a few of our students along the way.
Matt is the head of talent pathway for cricket wales, with additional responsibility of leading the operations of the wales national county as well as overseeing the disability performance programme.
find out a little bit more here and read our interview with matt…
What do you do?
I’m the Head of the Talent Pathway for Cricket Wales
Can you tell us a little bit about your background ,path and journey to where you are now?
i Graduated from Cardiff Metropolitan University in 2013 with a BSc in Sport Coaching, before undertaking a year’s internship at Millfield Cricket in the Cricket, Football and PE departments. It was without doubt the most I’ve learnt across any stretch of time and I’d highly recommend students taking internships to gain some experience! I came back to Cardiff Met to complete my PGCE in PE and Masters in Sport Coaching & Pedagogy whilst being Performance Director for Cricket. I was involved in leading the University Tennis programme for about a year as well which an invaluable chance to learn about how another sport other than cricket operates. A second stint at Millfield full time in the Cricket department followed before I assumed this role in March 2018. I still play cricket where I can for Devon at National Counties level and can be found watching any sport given the opportunity – I’m big on watching how top class coaches and managers go about their business and am a big ice hockey follower being part Canadian!
Tell me about your typical day/ week?
My role is pretty vast being across all of Wales, but I largely oversee the regional cricket programme which is the step above club cricket from U10s-U15s (boys and girls) – I have a brilliant team of five who are responsible for each of the North, South, East and West regions. I lead the operations of the Wales National County in addition to having oversight of the Disability Performance Programme so that usually keeps things pretty busy! Being a member of senior management for Cricket Wales comes with its fair bit of responsibility as well from a National Governing Body perspective and we of course work very closely with Glamorgan CCC, particularly with the running of the Wales Age Group teams as we look to provide a consistent stream of young talent. It can be difficult to get out from behind the desk at times, so at any given opportunity I’ll make some phone calls whilst walking our far too spoiled German Shepherd!
What have been your biggest challenges?
Where to start! The pathway in Wales has undergone a huge amount of change in the last 3 years and this has often meant taking gradual steps rather than big quick ones. There are so many people invested physically and emotionally in Welsh Cricket (and likely any pathway) that you really need to take the time to understand the different perspectives, build those relationships and bring people through the door, and on the journey with you. Our parents are often so underrated in their importance throughout a young player’s journey that we’ve really made a conscious effort to improve our offering around that. Generally though, the biggest challenge through all the detail is trying to keep things simple and stick to the values and philosophies that you set yourself. That doesn’t always mean making the popular decisions even if they are the right ones.
What have been your highlights?
Undoubtedly seeing players, parents and coaches improve and benefit from the provision that you helped to bring about. That doesn’t always mean winning, and it doesn’t always mean a player progresses onto Glamorgan’s Academy – it is equally, if not more gratifying to see a player fall in love, or back in love with the game by having a positive experience that will likely lead to them playing for the next 30 years.
What piece of advice would you give to our students?
Back yourself. Take every opportunity that comes your way – sometimes it can hard to put yourself out there and challenge for something (be it a job, a playing opportunity, even something completely different to what is comfortable for you etc) given the competition that is out there. You’d be surprised what you can do for yourself as you build up some experience.
And its not too early to start pay attention to how you come across on social media! Know that employers in any industry will take the time to do their research and see how you portray yourself – ask yourself if you’d want any potential employers seeing what’s on your social media currently. If the answer is ‘no’ get rid of it!
What is the best piece of advice you have ever been given?
1) No one else is going to do it for you.
2) Most people end up working for the majority of their life – find something that you enjoy doing – happiness beats wealth every time.
3) Relationships are everything – take the time to build, cultivate and sustain them.
What/ who inspires you? Maybe a person, phrase or picture?
There’s a tendency to look up to the people that lead you (I do anyway) in your job, and I’ve been lucky to have learnt from some fantastic people who I continue to admire. More broadly, if you’re involved in junior sport you have to be inspired by the players around you – more often that not it is they who provide you with the motivation to make a difference every day.
From a role model point of view? I can’t help being a fan of Jurgen Klopp but my cricketing role model was probably either Adam Gilchrist or Chris Read – two keepers (like myself) who were absolute masters of their craft and were always regarded as gentlemen.
Thank you so much to matt for speaking to us, sharing his views, thoughts and journey.
Matt is on twitter if you’d like to follow him @mattthompson91